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针对导航星座自主定轨中的星座整体旋转问题,采用增设少量地面锚固站的方法可有效解决该问题。通过推导星地距离对卫星轨道升交点赤经的偏导数,证明了星地距离对卫星轨道升交点赤经可观。仅考虑在我国大陆范围内布设锚固站的条件下,仿真分析了锚固站数量以及布局对导航星座自主定轨精度的影响。仿真实验结果表明:采用3个以上的锚固站,即可有效控制星座整体旋转,在14d的仿真时段内卫星自主定轨精度保持4m以内;锚固站数量越多,自主定轨精度越高,但随着锚固站数量的增加,自主定轨精度改善程度越来越小;在保持4个锚固站的情形下,采用不同的锚固站布局方案,自主定轨精度并无明显差别。  相似文献   
对火星采样返回任务中的火星轨道交会自主导航和制导技术进行了研究。采用光学自主导航敏感器测量的火星中心方向和视半径,相对敏感器测量的相对位置等观测量,设计了导航滤波器同时估计轨返组合体和上升器的轨道。在导航滤波器设计中,针对光学自主导航敏感器更新频率远低于滤波解算频率的问题,设计了一种连续观测量构造算法,确保每个滤波周期均可进行测量更新,以提高导航精度。基于导航滤波器估计结果,采用T-H制导设计了4脉冲共椭圆交会策略实施轨道控制,从而构成近程交会自主导航和制导方案用于完成火星轨道交会任务。通过数学仿真校验了所提出方法的有效性。  相似文献   
针对风云四号同步卫星的精密定轨和精度评估需求,首先利用地面光学测角数据对FY-4A卫星进行精密定轨,定轨后方位角和高度角的残差rms分别为0.25"和0.45"。与基于测距数据的轨道相比,位置精度在有测角数据的弧段内小于50m。进一步联合测角数据和测距数据对FY-4A卫星进行联合定轨,定轨后轨道重叠精度优于15m。利用联合定轨结果评估了基于测距数据的实时轨道产品精度,可以明显发现轨道精度随着测距数据的积累而逐步提高。  相似文献   
retro-GEO是指逆行(retrograde)地球静止轨道(geostationary Earth orbit, GEO),该轨道与GEO轨道高度相同或相近,但倾角为180°,安装在retro-GEO卫星上的巡视器可每12h对GEO带空间资产附近碎片环境安全预警。直接西向发射retro-GEO卫星存在地面测控和发射能耗较大的困难。基于平面四体模型,为降低设计变量敏感性,以近月点参数为设计变量,建立了部署retro-GEO巡视器的月球借力飞行轨道设计模型,利用轨道动力学模型延拓策略,得到该类轨道绕月后返回地球飞行时长只能约为114.79h,该结论可用于求解该类轨道高精度轨道动力学模型解。  相似文献   
2015年10月7日,俄罗斯采用远距离、高精度、大威力的“口径”对陆攻击巡航导弹远程空袭ISIS目标,该事件得到了高度关注。简要介绍了“口径”巡航导弹,并对俄巡航导弹技术状态进行了初步分析。  相似文献   
地球静止轨道微波辐射计技术   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
静止轨道微波辐射计可实现全天时、全天候、高频次云雨大气观测,在台风、流域性强降水探测和预报方面发挥重要作用。但在波束扫描、多频复用、系统定标等方面的运用存在较大困难,世界上尚无在轨应用先例。现从探测需求出发,对静止轨道微波辐射计进行了系统方案设计。提出了卫星平台与辐射计部件快慢结合扫描的方法,以解决波束扫描和系统定标难题;提出了低频选入射角层叠式布局准光学频段分离方法,以解决多频段复用难题。研制了微波辐射计原理样机,通过实验室和外场试验验证了系统设计,为静止轨道微波探测卫星研制提供了一定指导。  相似文献   
By developing approximate analytical models considering the J2 perturbation, the effects of an in-track maneuver on the orbital Sun illumination conditions of near-circular low Earth orbits are analyzed. First, two approximate models for the variations in orbital sunshine angles are developed, one for variations at a given time and the other for variations at a given argument of latitude. Next, two approximate models for variations in orbital arc in Earth shadow are developed, one considers the small eccentricity and the other uses the zero eccentricity. Finally, the developed approximate models are applied to analyzing the Sun illumination conditions of a typical in-track maneuver mission on a near-circular low Earth orbit. From the results obtained, three major conclusions can be drawn. First, the variations in orbital sunshine angles at a given time may reach tens of degrees when the drifting time reaches hundreds of orbital periods, and the approximate model for that situation cannot effectively approach the numerical results. Second, the variations in orbital sunshine angles for any given argument of latitude are only a couple of degrees even when the drifting time reaches 500 orbital periods, and the approximation model developed can effectively approach the numerical results. Third, for variations in orbital arc in Earth shadow, the approximate model considering the small eccentricity has simple expressions and can effectively approach the numerical results; in contrast, the approximate model using the zero eccentricity has relatively worse precision.  相似文献   
针对当前运输机空投货物模型可拓展性不强的问题,提出了分离体的建模方法。在无需分析货物与飞机整体质心变化的情况下,分别以货物和飞机为对象进行受力分析,推导了货物与飞机之间的相互作用力,建立了更加贴近实际的运输机单件货物空投和连续空投的动力学模型。最后,通过数值仿真,分析了飞行速度和牵引伞牵引比对空投任务性能的影响。结果表明,飞行速度和牵引比越大,飞机在货物干扰作用下的状态变化量越小。  相似文献   
The positions and velocities of the four Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) stations: Yarragadee (7090), Greenbelt (7105), Graz (7839) and Herstmonceux (7840) from 5-year (2001–2005) SLR data of low orbiting satellites (LEO): Ajisai, Starlette and Stella were determined. The orbits of these satellites were computed from the data provided by 20 SLR stations. All orbital computations were performed by means of NASA Goddard’s GEODYN-II program. The geocentric coordinates were transformed to the topocentric North–South, East–West and Vertical components in reference to ITRF2005. The influence of the number of normal points per orbital arc and the empirical acceleration coefficients on the quality of station coordinates was studied. To get standard deviation of the coordinates determination lower than 1 cm, the number of the normal points per site had to be greater than 50. The computed positions and velocities were compared to those derived from LAGEOS-1/LAGEOS-2 data. Three parameters were used for this comparison: station coordinates stability, differences from ITRF2005 positions and velocities. The stability of coordinates of LEO satellites is significantly worse (17.8 mm) than those of LAGEOS (7.6 mm), the better results are for Ajisai (15.4 mm) than for Starlette/Stella (20.4 mm). The difference in positions between the computed values and ITRF2005 were little bit worse for Starlette/Stella (6.6 mm) than for LAGEOS (4.6 mm), the results for Ajisai were five times worse (29.7 mm) probably due to center of mass correction of this satellite. The station velocities with some exceptions were on the same level (≈1 mm/year) for all satellites. The results presented in this work show that results from Starlette/Stella are better than those from Ajisai for station coordinates determination. We can applied the data from LEO satellites, especially Starlette and Stella for determination of the SLR station coordinates but with two times lower accuracy than when using LAGEOS data.  相似文献   
CubeSail is a nano-solar sail mission based on the 3U CubeSat standard, which is currently being designed and built at the Surrey Space Centre, University of Surrey. CubeSail will have a total mass of around 3 kg and will deploy a 5 × 5 m sail in low Earth orbit. The primary aim of the mission is to demonstrate the concept of solar sailing and end-of-life de-orbiting using the sail membrane as a drag-sail. The spacecraft will have a compact 3-axis stabilised attitude control system, which uses three magnetic torquers aligned with the spacecraft principle axis as well as a novel two-dimensional translation stage separating the spacecraft bus from the sail. CubeSail’s deployment mechanism consists of four novel booms and four-quadrant sail membranes. The proposed booms are made from tape-spring blades and will deploy the sail membrane from a 2U CubeSat standard structure. This paper presents a systems level overview of the CubeSat mission, focusing on the mission orbit and de-orbiting, in addition to the deployment, attitude control and the satellite bus.  相似文献   
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